Anniversary show for Lunatic Fringe LL

Lunatic Fringe
Comedy show Lunatic Fringe is holding its 20th anniversary show off on April 22. Cast members include, from left, Dan Scheinberg, Harvey Chipkin, Debutante Maclean, Paul Murphy and Dave Groveman. Courtesy Deb Mclean.

Lunatic Fringe will keep its 20th anniversary happening Sabbatum, April 22, at the Country Club, 26 Northview Ave.
The event presents Lunatic Fringe vagabond members early and present in a public presentation that, as Lunatic Fringe has always done, draws on music and interview suggestions to create a testify that's "divergent every time but always peculiar," according to a release.

Deb Maclean, founder and managing director of Madcap Periphery, said in the sackin, "We're so proud that we could cook people laugh since 1997, the year when Dolly the Sheep was cloned and the first Harry Potter rule book came out." One former cast anchor extremity is coming from Germany to perform. Prevalent cast members include Maclean, William Harvey Chipkin, Dave Groveman, Paul Irish potato, and Dan Scheinberg. Former cast members include Irene James Fenimore Cooper-Basch, Tom Dean, Glenn Duphiney, Allison Field, Hoo Henke, Brooke Hoover, Susan Korn, Beth Nickmann, Brenda Pepper, Michael Scarpelli, and Frankie Spear. Ben Morss plays piano.

Admission is $25 and includes hors d'oeuvres and two drinks after the show. For reservations and entropy call 973-429-1527.

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